Call tracking improves marketing effectiveness
My new client, TeleSure, a call tracking and lead management system helps marketers in small and mid-sized businesses get better return on their marketing investments.
TeleSure uses phone numbers and extensions to track sources of phone calls. It includes campaign-specific phone numbers and/or extensions, call routing, call tracking, and call reporting to automate the lead capture and management process for both on-line and off-line lead generation activities. And I am helping them with market development.
When I worked at Direct Marketing Department at Oracle Corporation, we had this type of technology, which cost many thousands of dollars to buy, implement, and manage. At Oracle, we would normally assign different sources codes to different media, different creatives, different offers, etc. to do A/B/C/D testing and learn from our experiences. Oracle would set up different phone numbers from their limitless bank of numbers. And Oracle's Direct Response Department (telemarketing) would capture those source codes from each response into the internal CRM system. I was responsible for Analysis of all of our Direct Marketing campaigns and for managing our marketing database that we used for mailings. And every week, we met with the Direct Response Group and looked at response rates source code by source code, to plan out capacity. We also did media analysis, cost per lead, cost per response, cost per hot lead, etc. But the technology that enabled us to get smarter was call tracking and lead tracking. And hot leads were always call leads!
Anyway, I digress.... The amazing thing is that TeleSure's virtual phone system enables small and mid-sized businesses to do all the call tracking and lead management that Oracle did for just a couple of hundred dollars a month! Wow!
Anybody who spends $1,000+ dollars per month on lead generation and takes phone calls from potential customers should check this out. TeleSure can make your marketing dollars so much more effective! Very frequently, you will see 10-20% difference in a direct marketing campaign just based on small changes in creative or copy. You'll see bigger differences 20-40%, when you change the offer. And of course, the biggest difference 50%+ are in changing the list (target audience). And if you don't measure your response rates (call rates), you will never know. Whereas, if you use TeleSure's virtual phone system, you can learn from past experience and fine-tune your marketing to get you better results. So, if you advertise, use direct mail, market events or invite your potential customers to call you online, a system like the one Oracle had and like the one TeleSure offers will pay for itself very quickly - 20% monthly savings on a $1000 budget will cover the monthly cost of TeleSure.
Additionally, TeleSure works with CRM systems like InfusionSoft, to automate lead capture for nurturing and conversion. In other words, when someone calls one of your phone numbers managed in TeleSure, TeleSure automatically creates an activity inside of InfusionSoft for you, improving tracking and reducing manual efforts. This is really nice, because in addition to being able to measure your marketing effectiveness and spend your marketing dollars smarter, now you can actually make sure that someone follows up on every one of your precious leads - no leaks in your funnel!
And what's really nice for small businesses is that it is completely independent of your phone system, so no costly integration work is needed for you to use it. They also offer their product month-to-month, with no contract, and first month free. So, you can try before you buy.
Today, TeleSure has clients in Automotive, Real Estate, and Legal markets. But I believe that it also has a strong potential in Financial Services, Healthcare, and Fitness and Nutrition markets. If you are in one of these markets and are attending InfusionCon 2013, I'd love to chat with you.
I am particularly interested in InfusionSoft consultants and re-sellers who focus on Real Estate, Legal, Fitness and Nutrition, Healthcare, and Financial Services markets. I'd like to better understand what kind of demand you have seen for phone integration into InfusionSoft and if TeleSure could address your client's needs. Please look me up or call me at 781-309-7290.